Carring the Waters

Carring the Waters

‘Cuidar da água, é cuidar de nós e de todas as formas de vida.’

A ÁGUA é um grande organismo vivo, que assim como o oxigénio, é essencial para a vida de todos os seres que habitam o planeta Terra. Por esse motivo é considerada um símbolo sagrado para a maioria das religiões.

Mas já pensaste no privilégio que é teres acesso a água potável?

Estima-se que 1 em cada 9 pessoas no mundo não tenham acesso a água potável e ainda assim esta continua a ser subvalorizada. 

Cuidar da água é demonstrar gratidão por esse bem tão precioso que sustenta a vida.

Archelon saving sea turtles.

Archelon saving sea turtles.

In October 2018 we had the opportunity to meet and develop a film with Archelon, which shows a day at the ARCHELON Rescue Center, a sea turtles hospital near Athens.
Our film is about the connection with water, our relationship with the oceans and the impact of our actions in marine life…

Back to the origins

Back to the origins

Patrícia Furtado de Mendonça is a researcher and co-creator of the 1st edition of Oceans and Flow Moon and Sun: ‘Back to the Origins’ – which will take place from 18th May to 2nd June 2019 in Arrábida (Mountain of the Sun) and Sintra (Mountain of the Moon), in Portugal, close to Lisbon – and she is one of the newest members of our team Oceans and Flow…

Sharing knowledge about the Water.

Sharing knowledge about the Water.

Today we introduce you a text written by Maria Terra, a teacher with a unique sensibility and so much wisdom to share. Terra will be sharing her teachings for the second time on Oceans and Flow journeys…

Brazil calling me.

Brazil calling me.

I just came back from a two-month trip in Brazil.
Water dance, aquatic therapy, connecting with the Nature, manifesting dreams and sustainability. Water as a source of deep ecology. These are the themes that I have been working on with Oceans and Flow and that I had the pleasure of sharing at the 8th Water World Forum.