Today we introduce you a text written by Maria Terra, a teacher with a unique sensibility and so much wisdom to share. Terra will be sharing her teachings for the second time at an Oceans and Flow journey, from 13 to 27 February 2019 in Thailand.
On the following passage, she shares her connection to the Water, her ancestral knowledge and the native peoples’ traditions:
“I run across the world exploring the different native traditions, I study with indigenous peoples from north to south, from east to west. They teach me about the simplicity and depth of life, about nature and its elements, about planet Earth and its directions. In all those journeys and immersions in the Amazonian Forest, on the Himalayas, in the Mexican lagoons and Balinese islands, I’ve had the honor of meeting great guardians of ancestral knowledge that have taught me a lot.
Water is an element that inspires me a lot, and my passion for it grows bigger each day! 🙂
I was lucky enough to learn from the leaders of the Hopi tribe, of the water clan, from strong women of the Diné and Lakota tribes, founders of the Standing Rock movement in the United States, from prayers and healers of the Mexican waters, from the Cofane tribe in Colombia, protectors of the lagoons, rivers and headwaters.
I studied aquatic therapy, and each time I practice or receive therapy, I develop a deeper understanding of the water’s message, its subtlety, tenderness, strength and healing powers.
I feel the water that flows through my body, the water present in the air I breathe and on the land I walk upon… I understand what happens with my skin each time I bathe in the salty sea water or in the river’s fresh water… I feel the vibes from the water I drink and, in every job I do, I pray to the water, as the great mother, our first matrix, our first home, in which we lived during 9 months inside our mother’s bellies… water brings life to the creation…
“Água, águita, contigo todo, sin ti, nada!”
We are 80% water, planet Earth is 80% water… water is life!
Water cures us and we cure the water…”
by Maria Terra
Meet Terra on our next journey Oceans and Flow Thailand – Moken and live the transforming practices of Yoga, Janzu, Dance and a Water Ceremony.
Come aboard on our next aquatic journey through Thailand and discover more about the water and what it has to teach you. Discover unique landscapes, visit two magnificent islands and dive into crystal clear warm waters.
Click here for more information about Thailand – Moken journey.
I send you my best wishes from Greece, where I am enjoying my last days of another journey to the aquatic world. See you soon 🙂
Violeta Lapa